July 28, 2016
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (21– 27 July 2016)
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (21– 27 July  2016)

Israeli forces continue systematic crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)

(21 – 27 July 2016)

Jerusalem: Israeli Forces Demolish Number of Palestinian Houses in Qalandia Village

Jerusalem: Israeli Forces Demolish Number of Palestinian Houses in Qalandia Village


  • Israeli forces continued to use excessive force in the oPt
  • A Palestinian civilian was killed in Hebron and the house where he was holed up.
  • 10 Palestinian civilians were wounded, including a child and a young woman, in the West Bank.
  • Israeli forces conducted 64 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 6 limited ones in the southern Gaza Strip.
  • 94 civilians were arrested, including 22 children and 4 women.
  • 50 civilians of them, including 16 children and 3 women, were arrested in occupied Jerusalem.
  • Israeli forces continued to impose collective punishment measures against Palestinian civilians.
  • New house demolition decisions were issued against houses of civilians accused of attacks against Israeli soldiers and settlers.
  • The entrance to al-Fawar refugee camp, south of Hebron, is closed for the third consecutive week.
  • Israeli forces continued their efforts to create Jewish majority in occupied East Jerusalem.
  • A civilian was forced to self-demolish a residential room.
  • 11 residential buildings were levelled in Qalednia village adjacent to the annexation wall.
  • A house in Silwan and another one and a commercial facility in al-‘Issawiyah were demolished.
  • Israeli forces continued to target Palestinian fishermen in the Sea
  • 8 fishermen were arrested, 2 fishing boats were confiscated and a third sustained damage.
  • Israeli forces turned the West Bank into cantons and continued to impose the illegal closure on the Gaza Strip for the 9th
  • Dozens of temporary checkpoints were established in the West Bank and others were re-established to obstruct the movement of Palestinian civilians.
  • A Palestinian Civilian was arrested at the internal military checkpoints.

 SummaryIsraeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law in the oPt continued during the reporting period (21 – 27 July 2016).



Israeli forces have continued to commit crimes, inflicting civilian casualties. They have also continued to use excessive force against Palestinian civilians participating in peaceful protests in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the majority of whom were youngsters. During the reporting period, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian civilian and wounded 10 others, including a child and a young woman. Nine of them were wounded in the West while the young woman was wounded at Qalendia checkpoint, north of occupied Jerusalem. In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces continue to target Palestinian fishermen and chase them in the Sea.

In the West Bank, on 27 July 2016, Israeli forces killed Mohammed Jubarah al-Faqih (29) from Dura, south of Hebron.  The aforementioned was killed when a large force of Israeli soldiers moved into Sorif village, northwest of Hebron, and surrounded a 3-storey house belonging to al-Heeh Family.  The Israeli soldiers ordered al-Faqih, who was holed up in that house, to surrender but he refused so.  An armed clash then broke out between al-Faqih and the soldiers, who heavily opened fire from all sides at him.  They also fired shoulder-fired missiles at the house in addition to destroying parts of it by their vehicles. Due to the shelling and levelling, the house was completely destroyed.  It should be mentioned that Israeli forces accused al-Faqih of being involved in a shooting attack at a settlers’ car and killed one of them.

On 22 July 2016, two Palesinian civilians were wounded during Kafr Qaddoum weekly protest.  A 42-year-old civilian sustained a metal bullet wound to the left thigh while a 22-year-old civilian sustained a metal bullet to the head.

On 26 July 2016, 7 civilians, including a child, were wounded when Israeli forces moved into al-Am’ari refugee camp in Ramallah to carry out an arrest campaign.  Meanwhile, a number of Palestinian children and young men gathered to throw stones at the Israeli soldiers, who in response opened fire at them.  As a result, the seven civilians were wounded.

On the same day, Israeli security guard company officers stationed at Qalednia checkpoint, north of East Jerusalem, opened fire at Raghd al-Sho’ani (18) while crossing the checkpoint via the vehicle track.  As a result, she was hit with several bullets in the lower limbs.  Israeli forces claimed that al-Sho’ani attempted to stab Israeli soldiers and transferred her to “Shaare Zedek” Medical Centre in West Jerusalem to receive medical treatment.

In the Gaza Strip and in the context of targeting Palestinian fishermen in the Sea, on 27 July 2016, Israeli gunboats stationed off Northwest Beit Lahia shore in the northern Gaza Strip heavily opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats.  The two gunboats surrounded a Palestinian fishing boat manned by 2 fishermen sailing within 1.5 nautical miles.  The Israeli soldiers ordered the fishermen to take off their clothes and jump into the sea in order to swim towards one of the gunboats.  They were arrested and then taken to an unknown destination.  The boat was also confiscated.

On the same day afternoon, another Palestinian fishing boat was subject to shooting in the same area.  Israeli forces chased and confiscated the boat and arrested 6 fishermen.  They also damaged another boat.



During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 64 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 6 ones in occupied East Jerusalem and its suburbs. During these incursions, Israeli forces arrested at least 94 Palestinian civilians, including 22 children and 4 women.  Fifty of them, including 16 children and 3 women, were arrested in occupied Jerusalem.


Collective Punishment Measures against Palestinian civilians

On 21 July 2016, Israeli authorities handed Sheikh Jamil ‘Abdel Rahim Hamami, Secretary of the Supreme Islamic Council in Jerusalem and Lecturer at al-Quds University, two travel ban decisions. These decisions provide that Hammami is denied access to the West Bank for 4 months and extend the ban on traveling abroad for 6 months.

On 23 July 2016, Israeli forces moved into Dura, southwest of Hebron.  They raided two houses belonging to Mohammed ‘Abdel Majeed ‘Amayrah (38) and Mohammed Jubarah al-Faqih.  The accompanying engineering explosive team took measurements of the two houses.  The Israeli soldiers then handed the two families house demotion orders and gave them until 26 July 2016 to appeal the decision.  The Israeli authorities accused the two aforementioned civilians of shooting dead a settler near Deir Razeh village, south of the city.

For the consecutive third week, the Israeli authorities continued to close alFawar refugee camp, south of Hebron with an iron gate at the western entrance and sand barriers at all the sub-entrances leading to it.  The camp residents suffer due to obstacle imposed on movement from and into the camp.

Creating Jewish Majority in Occupied East Jerusalem:

On 24 July 2016, ‘Abdel Nasser Qara’in self-demolished a residtial room he built years ago in Wadi Hilweh neighbourhood in Silwan villae, south of East Jeurslem’s Old city, to in order to avoid paying demolition costs to the occupation municipality.  Qara’in said that the Israeli Municipality Court issued an order to demolish a residential room and gave him until 04 August to self-demolish the room or they will demolish it and impose a fine on him for illegally building in addition to the demolition costs.

On 25 July 2016, Israeli authorities demolished 11 residential buildings in Qalendia village, north of East Jerusalem, adjacent to the annexation wall.  Head of the Village Council said that the demolishment targeted 11 buildings comprised of around 34 housing units and belonging to civilians holding East Jerusalem ID documents.  He added that most of the buildings are under construction except 2 of them which are inhabited.  He explained that 9 of these buildings are located within the Jerusalem Municipality borders while only 2 are located in Area (C) within the West Bank.  He also said that the destroyed buildings included 2 or 3-storey houses, 2-storey villa and foundations of a new house. It should be mentioned that on the aforementioned Monday afternoon, the Israeli forces handed owners of the 11 houses house demolition notices and gave them 72 hours to vacate them.  However, on the same day afternoon, they implemented the military order and destroyed all buildings.


Restrictions on movement:

Israel continued to impose a tight closure of the oPt, imposing severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

The illegal closure of the Gaza Strip, which has been steadily tightened since June 2007 has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip.  The Israeli authorities impose measures to undermine the freedom of trade, including the basic needs for the Gaza Strip population and the agricultural and industrial products to be exported. For 9 consecutive years, Israel has tightened the land and naval closure to isolate the Gaza Strip from the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, and other countries around the world. This resulted in grave violations of the economic, social and cultural rights and a deterioration of living conditions for 1.8 million people.  The Israeli authorities have established Karm Abu Salem (KeremShaloum) as the sole crossing for imports and exports in order to exercise its control over the Gaza Strip’s economy.  They also aim at imposing a complete ban on the Gaza Strip’s exports. The Israeli closure raised the rate of poverty to 38.8%, 21.1% of which suffer from extreme poverty. Moreover, the rate of unemployment increased up to 44%, which reflects the unprecedented economic deterioration in the Gaza Strip.



  1. Incursions into Palestinian Areas, and Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

Thursday, 21 July 2016

  • At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces accompanied with military vehicles moved into Kafur Qalil village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched houses and damaged their contents. The abovementioned houses belong to Bashar Jamil Saleh, Waseem ‘Oqab Faleeh Mansour, and Wadah Nabil Abdul Jalil ‘Amer. At approximately 09:00, Israeli forces arrested 13 civilians, including Chief Security Officer of al-Najah National University, and withdrew later. PCHR keeps the names of the arrested persons.
  • Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Dura village, southwest of Hebron, and stationed in Naqet Nouh area. They raided and searched a house belonging to ‘Ayid Ahmed al-Faqeh (55) and his son, Yousef (29). Israeli forces then withdrew and no arrests were reported. In the meanwhile, other Israeli forces raided and searched a house belonging to Nafiz Jibarah al-Faqeh and handed his three sons summonses to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem. At approximately 02:00, Israeli military vehicles moved into Krisah neighbourhood and stationed in Abu Jalas area. Israeli forces then raided and searched a house belonging to Hani Isma’il al-Rujoub (33) and his son, Hitham, and handed both of them summonses.
  • Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Bethlehem and stationed in Handazah neighbourhood, east of the city. They raided and searched houses and then arrested Mahmoud Hasan al-Wardyian (40). Moreover, they handed Mahmoud’s brothers, Osaid and Islam, summonses to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in “Gush Etzion” settlement.
  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into ‘Ayida camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched houses and then arrested Shadi Abdul Raziq Badawnah (27).
  • At approximately 23:00, Israeli forces moved into Beit Ameen village, southeast of Qalqiliya. Israeli military vehicles made their way into the village streets and patrolled the area. A number of Palestinian young men threw stones at the vehicles, so Israeli soldiers arrested Islam Abed al-Rahman Mohamed Ali (15) and Ali Jalal Abed al-Hadi Ali (16) and took both of them to “Shaarei Tikva” settlement. The abovementioned arrested were released after the intervention of the Palestinian Liaison.


Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (5) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: al-Dahiryia, Beit Olah, Beit ‘Awaa, Karmah, and al-Koum village in Herbron.


Friday, 22 July 2016

  • At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into Abu Sninah neighbourhood, in the southern area of Hebron. They made their way in the village streets and patrolled the area. A number of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones at Israeli vehicles. Israeli soldiers stepped out of the vehicles and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters in response. As a result, many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation. After that, Israeli forces withdrew and no arrests were reported.


  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Halhoul village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Ahmed Jum’a Jabarat and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.


  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into al-‘Aroub refugee camp, south of Hebron, and stationed in the center of the camp. They raided and searched a house belonging to Ayman Mohamed al-Muzian (40) and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.


  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Duha village, west of Bethlehem. They raided and searched houses and handed each of ‘Obaida Radi Deriyah and Anas ‘Adnan Malash summonses to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of the city.


Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (5) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: al-Dahiryia, Beit Olah al-Shayoukh and al-Koum villages, and al-‘Aroub refugee camp in Hebron.


Saturday, 23 July 2016


  • Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (4) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: Ethna, al-Dahiryia and Karzah villages in Hebron.


Sunday, 24 July 2016


  • At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into Bethlehem. They raided and searched houses from which they arrested Khalid Jamil Abu Samrah (50), Mohamed Adib Mousa (33) and Yousef Mohamed ‘Adawi (30).


  • Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into al-Bureij village, south of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Isma’il Ahmed al-Faqeh (62) after locking all the family members in one room. Israeli forces then fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters claiming that there are caves around the house. They also handed Isma’il a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem, and withdrew later.


  • At approximately 01:45, Israeli forces moved into Askaka village, east of Salfit. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohamed Fawzi Lami and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service. No arrests were reported.


  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Dura village, southwest of Hebron, and stationed in Naqet Nouh area. They raided and searched a house belonging to Saied Ahmed Yousef Talahmah. They withdrew later and no arrests were reported.


Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (6) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: Yatta, Beit ‘Awaa, al-Shayoukh, Samou’a and al-Burj villages in Hebron.


Monday, 25 July 2016

  • At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into Taqou’ village, southeast of Bethlehem. They raided and searched houses and then arrested Ahmed Jamal al-‘Amour (18).


  • Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Beit ‘Awaa village, southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron, and stationed in al-Simiyia area. They raided and searched a house belonging to Ziyad Ali al-Swaiti and arrested him.


  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into ‘Awarta village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched houses from which they arrested Moaied Jamil Saied Shurab (33) and Shadi Niyazi Mohamed Badawi ‘Awaad (33).


  • Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Beit Fajjar village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched houses and then handed Ibrahim Ahmed Thawabta (38) a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of the city. Moreover, they raided a house belonging to Mohamed Khalid Taqatqah and arrested him.


  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Ali Mohamed Ahmed Sarahnah (23) and arrested him.


  • At approximately 03:30, Israeli forces moved into Qabatia village, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched 4 houses from which they arrested Amjad Ahmed Mahmoud Kmail (al-Kazha), 25, Mohamed Bilal Ali Kmail (27), Mahmoud Khalid Tawfiq Malalha ” Abu Ja’far), 23, and Husam Mahmoud Sadeq Hamamdah ” Kmail”, 25.


  • At approximately 22:00, Israeli forces moved into Zabobah village, northwest of Jenin. Israeli vehicles made their way in the village streets and patrolled the area. A number of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones at the vehicles. Israeli soldiers stationed in the vehicles fired tear gas canisters and sound bombs in response to disperse the stone throwers. Israeli forces arrested 4 children, who were identified as Ahmed Naiyz Ali Jaradat (11) and his brother Mohamed (10); Nour Foad Jaradat (10); and Omar Saied Ahmed Jaradat (10). All the above mentioned arrested were released two hours later following the intervention of the Palestinian Liaison.


  • Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (7) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: Dura, al-Hadab, Deir al-‘Asal, and al-Moureq villages in Hebron; Dersityia village, west of Salfit; Kaful Hares village, north of the village, and Kafur Qadoum village, northeast of Qalqilyia.


Tuesday, 26 July 2016

  • At approximately 01:00, a large number of Israeli soldiers moved into al-Am’ary refugee camp in Ramallah to carry out arrest campaigns. They raided and searched houses. In the meantime, a number of Palestinian young men threw stones at Israeli soldiers, who opened fire at them. As a result, 7 civilians, including a child, were wounded and were then taken to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah. PCHR keeps the name of the wounded persons.


  • At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into Bethlehem and stationed in Handazah neighbourhood, east of the city. They raided and searched houses from which they arrested Ibrahim Khalid Hassan (22) and Ibrahim Harbi Hmaid (20).


  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into Beit Fajjar village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched houses from which they arrested Abdullah Abed al-Rahman Thawabtah (20) and Mohamed Mousa al-‘Amour (19).


  • At approximately 22:00, Israeli forces accompanied with over 40 military vehicles and an armored personnel carrier moved into Sureef village, northwest of Hebron. They stationed in al-Matinah, Wad al-Jouz, Wad al-Jozour, and Muthalath areas. A number of vehicles with Palestinian registration plates carrying Israeli undercover agents in civilian clothes arrived at a house belonging to al-Heeh family in al-Matinah area. The abovementioned house consists of three floors, the first floor includes 80-square-meter vacant apartment, where Mohamed Jabarah al-Faqeh (29), from Dura, was present. Mohamed is wanted for Israeli authorities under the pretext of being involved in a shooting attack at a vehicle carrying Israeli settlers near Deir Razah village that resulted in killing one of the settlers. The second floor consists of two 100-square-meter apartments, the first apartment belongs to Samiha Ibrahim al-Heeh (76), while the second one belongs to her son, Mohamed Ali al-Heeh (45). The third floor also consists of two apartments, the first one belongs to Ibrahim Abed al-Qadir al-Heeh (33), who is married and have 2 children, while the second belongs to Ayman Ahmed al-Hour (35), who is married as well and has a child. After that, more backup forces accompanied with a bulldozer and two diggers arrived at the area. Israeli soldiers ordered the residents to get out of the building, while Samiha and Mohamed al- Faqeh were still in the building. Israeli soldiers again asked Mohamed to surrender. After few minutes, they heavily opened fire at the building from different directions. The shooting continued until 23:30, during which, Israeli forces brought Mohamed Ali al-Heeh (45) and asked him to get her out of the apartment. After that, they opened fire again. In the meanwhile, Israeli military vehicles were destroying the building. During the operation, Israeli forces declared Sureef village as a closed military zone and imposed a tight cordon on it. Moreover, they cut off electricity, internet and telecommunication. At approximately 04:30, on Wednesday, 27 July 2016, Mohamed al-Faqeh got out of the apartment and heavily fired live bullets at Israeli soldiers, who immediately opened fire at him and killed him as a result. The building was partially destroyed by military vehicles, while the rest of the building was damaged by the missiles fired by Israeli forces. Israeli soldiers sent sniffer dogs to check the corpse before they approached and then pulled the corpse with a digger that placed Mohamed’s corpse on the main street. After that, the corpse was taken by a military ambulance to an unknown destination and Israeli forces withdrew later. At approximately 06:00, the house was completely destroyed by Israeli forces that arrested Samiha Ibrahim al-Heeh and her son, Mohamed (45). Ibrahim al-Heeh, a doctor in al-Dahiryia hospital, said that he was not in his apartment. He also said that the house was demolished as it cost him over NIS 30,000. Moreover, about JD 3,000, US$ 700 and 250-gram gold jewelry were all buried beneath the rubble. Furthermore, Israeli forces arrested 2 civilians, including a child. The arrested persons were identified as Mohamed Ziyad Hamidat (17) and Diyaa Khalid Ghnimat (25).


  • Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (4) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: Burqeen village, west of Salfit; Qarawah Bani Hassan village, northwest of the city; Bl’in village, west of Ramallah; and Deir Abu Mish’al village, northwest of the city.


Wednesday, 27 July 2016

  • At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces moved into ‘Awarta village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched houses and then arrested Shareef Jamil Saied Shurab (30).


  • Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Bal’a village, northeast of Tulkarm. They raided and searched a house belonging to Osaid Rajeh Suliman (25) and arrested him.


  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces accompanied with 4 military vehicles moved into Johar mount, in the southern area of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Rami Mahmoud Abu Ramilah (25) and arrested him.


  • At approximately 04:00, Israeli forces moved into Tulkarm and stationed in the eastern neighbourhood. They raided and searched a house belonging to Abed al-Rahman al-Sanouri (24) and arrested him. Moreover, they raided and searched a house belonging to former prisoner, Mohamed Shihad al-Sanouri (44), who served 14 years in the Israeli jails, and arrested him as well.


  • At approximately 06:55, Israeli gunboats stationed northwest of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 1.5 nautical miles. Two Israeli gunboats approached a fishing boat manned by Mohammed Yaseen Ali Zayid (22) and Tareq Abed al-Bari Mohamed al-Sultan (21), both of them are from al-Salateen neighbourhood in Beit Lahia. Israeli forces obliged the fishermen to take off their clothes, jump in the sea and swim towards a gunboat. They then arrested them and confiscated their boat.


  • At 22:40, Israeli gunboats stationed in the northwest of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within one nautical mile offshore. Two Israeli gunboats approached a fishing boat belonging to Mahmoud Maher Mohamed Zughrah (25), which was manned by Mohamed Rafat Radwan Baker (30), Mohamed Mahmoud al-Louh (24), Khamis ‘Awad Nimer Zughrah (25), Mostafa Nael Mostafa Baker (20) and Saleem Fayiz Saleem Abu Sadeq (21). All of the abovementioned fishermen are from al-Shati camp, west of the Gaza City. Israeli forces ordered the fishermen to take off their clothes, jump into the sea, and swim towards the gunboats. They then arrested the fishermen and confiscated their boat. As a result of shooting, another fishing boat belonging to Iyad Rajab Mohamed al-Hesi (38), from al-Shati camp, was seriously damaged, while the fishing tools and equipment were lost. A third fishing boat pulled Iyad’s boat to Gaza Seaport.


: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (5) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: Yatta, Beit ‘Awaa, Tafouh and Beit Olah villages in Hebron.


  • Use of excessive force against peaceful demonstrations protesting settlement activities and the construction of the annexation wall


West Bank:


  • At approximately 13:30, on Friday, 22 July 2016, Palestinian civilians and Israeli and international human rights defenders organized a protest in the centre of Kufor Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqiliya, and then made their way to the eastern entrance of the village in protest against closing that entrance since the beginning of al-Aqsa Intifada with an iron gate. When the protesters approached the entrance, Israeli forces fired live bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, 2 civilians were wounded, the first (42) was hit with a rubber-coated metal bullet to the thigh, while the second (22) was hit with a rubber-coated metal bullet to the head.


  • Following the Friday prayer, on 22 July 2016, dozens of Palestinians and Israeli and international human rights defenders organised protests against the annexation wall and settlement activities in Bil’in and Nil’in villages, west of Ramallah, al-Nabi Saleh village, northwest of city, and Kafur Qadoum village, northeast of Qalqilyia. Israeli forces used force to disperse the protesters by firing live bullets, metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs and chased the protesters into the olive fields and between houses. As a result, many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises as Israeli soldiers beat them up. Moreover, Israeli forces arrested 5 civilians, including 2 journalists. They released the abovementioned arrested, while Ashraf Ahmed Abu Rahma (35) is so far in the Israeli custody.

 Note: PCHR keeps the names of the injured persons in the aforementioned demonstrations. Rubber-coated metal bullets are lethally if they hit the head of victim from a close range. Collective Punishment: 

  • At approximately 02:00, on Saturday, 23 July 2016, Israeli forces accompanied with military vehicles moved into Dura village, southwest of Hebron, and stationed in Wad Soud neighbourhood. They raided and searched a house belonging to prisoner Mohamed Abdul Majeed Mohamed ‘Amairah (38). An engineering unit took the measurements of the 1-storey house built on an area of 180 square meters. Israeli forces then handed the family an administrative demolition notice and give them a period until 26 July 2016 to challenge the Israeli court. Israeli authorities accused al-‘Amairah of killing an Israeli settler, along with Mohamed Jabarah al-Faqeh, after opening fire at him near Deir Razah village, south of the city. Israeli forces also raided al-Faqeh’s 3-storey house and took its measurements in addition to threatening the family.


  • For the 3rd consecutive week, Israeli authorities kept the cordon imposed on al-Fawar refugee camp, south of Hebron, with an iron gate at the western entrance. They also closed all the sub-entrances leading to the camp with sand barriers that resulted in obstructing the civilians’ movement into and from the camp. In the past months and at the beginning of October 2015, Israeli forces closed the iron gate established at the camp entrance for over a month and a half following the shooting attack carried out in Tel Aviv. The camp was closed for the third time since the stabbing attack in “Kharsina” settlement until the reporting period. Israeli forces also closed the iron gate established at the entrance to Dura village, the gate near Beit Hagai” settlement, and the iron gate established at al-Fahas entrance and the eastern Yatta entrance, which is supposed to be alternative entrances for the residents.


  1. Continued closure of the oPt


Israel continued to impose a tight closure on the oPt, imposing severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.


Gaza Strip


Israeli forces continuously tighten the closure of the Gaza Strip and close all commercial crossings, making the Karm Abu Salem crossing the sole commercial crossing of the Gaza Strip, although it is not suitable for commercial purposes in terms of its operational capacity and distance from markets.

Israeli forces have continued to apply the policy, which is aimed to tighten the closure on all commercial crossings, by imposing total control over the flow of imports and exports.


Israeli forces have continued to impose a total ban on the delivery of raw materials to the Gaza Strip, except for very limited items and quantities. The limited quantities of raw materials allowed into Gaza do not meet the minimal needs of the civilian population of the Gaza Strip.


Israeli forces also continued to impose an almost total ban on the Gaza Strip exports, including agricultural and industrial products, except for light-weighted products such as flowers, strawberries, and spices. However, they lately allowed the exportation of some vegetables such as cucumber and tomatoes, furniture and fish.


Israel has continued to close the Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing for the majority of Palestinian citizens from the Gaza Strip. Israel only allows the movement of a limited number of groups, with many hours of waiting in the majority of cases. Israel has continued to adopt a policy aimed at reducing the number of Palestinian patients allowed to move via the Beit Hanoun crossing to receive medical treatment in hospitals in Israel or in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel also continued applying the policy of making certain civilian traveling via the crossing interviewed by the Israeli intelligence service to be questioned, blackmailed or arrested.


Movement at Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing, southeast of Rafah, is designated for the movement of goods


Date Imports
Category Amount
Tons Number Liters
13 July Various goods 4180
Humanitarian aid 17746
Cooking gas 257.970      
Benzene     292,979  

Diesel for UNRWA



Industrial fuel     304,000
Construction aggregates 12360    
Cement 4000      
Construction steel 180    
18 July Various goods 3694,6
Humanitarian aid 16669
Cooking gas 276,100    
Benzene     296,009  

Diesel for UNRWA



Industrial fuel     152,000
Construction aggregates 14400    
  Cement 1560      
19 July Various goods 4892    
Humanitarian aid 19206      
Cooking gas 274,940      

Benzene for UNRWA




Diesel for UNRWA







Industrial fuel     152,000  
Construction aggregates 14000      
Cement 3520      
Construction steel 150      
20 July Various goods 4022      
Humanitarian aid 15702      
Cooking gas 282,210      
Benzene     142,990  

Diesel for UNRWA







Industrial fuel     190,020  
Construction aggregates 11040      
Cement 3720      
Construction steel 360      
21 July Various goods 4041  
Humanitarian aid 16012  
Cooking gas 286,040      
Benzene     17,982  

Diesel for UNRWA



Industrial fuel     266,008  
Construction aggregates 11440      
Cement 3400      
Construction steel 360      
24 July Various goods 2960  
Humanitarian aid 18302      
Cooking gas 279,030      
Benzene     215,999  

Diesel for UNRWA



Industrial fuel     265,998  
Construction aggregates 14000      
Cement 3200   221,986  
Construction steel 300   395,980  
25 July Various goods 3641,5  
Humanitarian aid 13906  
Cooking gas 2280.995      
Benzene     183,995  

Diesel for UNRWA



Industrial fuel     152,004  
Construction aggregates 9120      
Cement 210      
Construction steel 510      




  • On Wednesday, 13 July 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 35 tons of iron scrap, 18 tons of aluminum scrap and 25 tons of stationary.
  • On Monday, 81 July 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 60 tons of aluminum scrap.
  • On Tuesday, 19 July 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 1.7 tons of squash, 37, 1 tons of sweet potatoes, 120.9 tons of tomatoes, 4.5 tons of peppers, 10.3 tons of cucumbers, 22 tons of furniture and 15 tons of clothes.
  • On Wednesday, 20 July 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 30 tons of iron scrap and 18 tons of aluminum scrap.
  • On Thursday, 21 July 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 139.2 tons of tomatoes, 3.1 tons of eggplants, 17.3 tons of cucumbers, 7.3 tons of sweet potatoes, 11 tons of furniture and 1.9 tons of squash.
  • On Sunday, 24 July 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 138.7 tons of tomatoes, 25.85 tons of sweet potatoes, 1.12 tons of squash, 12 tons of furniture and 14.56 tons of cucumbers.
  • On Monday, 25 July 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 30 tons of iron scrap and 35 tons of aluminum scrap.

 Beit Hanoun (“Erez”) crossing, in the north of the Gaza Strip, is designated for the movement of individuals, and links the Gaza Strip with the West Bank. Movement at Beit Hanoun (“Erez”) crossing20 – 26 July 2016

Category 20 July 21 June 23 June 24 July 25 July 25 July 26 July
Patients 67 32 3 94 56 71
Companions 55 30 3 84 46 46
Personal needs 75 91 19 47 45 76

of prisoners

Arabs from


10 22 5 17 19 10
Diplomats 13 8 9 3 2 11
International journalists
International workers 32 32 3 8 11 43


3 8 48
Business people 276 243 2 2 436 302 253
Business meetings 1
Security interviews 7 7 7
VIPs 2 1

to Israel

6 6 1 2 3
Patients’ Companions 5 6 1 2 3


  • On Friday, 22 July 2016, Israeli forces allowed 251 persons from the Gaza Strip to perform prayers in al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
  • On Wednesday, 20 July 2016, Israeli forces allowed one person and on Tuesday, 26 July 2016, allowed 4 persons to renew their permits.
  • On Wednesday, 20 July 2016, Israeli forces allowed one person to attend an investment conference.


  • West Bank



Israel has imposed a tightened closure on the West Bank. During the reporting period, Israeli forces imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians:


  • Hebron: Israeli forces established (21) checkpoints all over the city.

On Thursday, 21 July 2016, Israeli forces established 4 checkpoints at the entrances to al-Hawawir (Halhoul), Ethna, Tarama that connects the bypass road and Beit Ommar village, north of Hebron.

On Friday, 22 July 2016, Israeli forces established 5 checkpoints at the entrances to Halhoul, Ethna, Tarama, Sa’ir villages and Kharsa village, south of Dora.

On Saturday, 23 July 2016, Israeli forces established 3 checkpoints at the entrances to Halhoul, Tarama and Sa’ir villages.

On Sunday, 24 July 2016, Israeli forces established 3 checkpoints at the entrances to Halhoul, Tarama and Sa’ir villages.

On Monday, 25 July 2016, Israeli forces established 2 checkpoints in Halhoul and Sa’ir villages.

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016, Israeli forces established 2 checkpoints at the entrances to Halhoul, and Sa’ir villages.


  • Qalqiliyah: Israeli forces established (6) checkpoints all over the city.

At approximately 15:45 on Saturday, 23 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint between Jayyous and Azzoun villages. At approximately 21:30, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to Azzoun village, east of the city.

At approximately 15:45, on Sunday, 24 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliya.

At approximately 08:00 on Monday, 25 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to Ezbet al-Tabib village, east of the city.

At approximately 02:20 on Tuesday, 26 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to Ras Atiyah village, southeast of Qalqiliyah.


  • Jenin: Israeli forces established (3) checkpoints all over the city.

At approximately, 14:30 on Thursday, 21 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at al-Yamoun village intersection, northwest of Jenin. At approximately 18:00 on Sunday, 24 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the crossroad of Jabaa’ village, south of Jenin.

At approximately 13:30 on Monday, 25 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to Zabuba village, northwest of the city.


  • Tulkarm: Israeli forces established (5) checkpoints all over the city.

At approximately 19:00 on Tuesday, 21 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to Faroun village, south of Tulkarm.

At approximately 06:30 on Friday, 22 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to Zabuba village, northwest of Jenin.

At approximately 18:00 on Saturday, 23 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint near the entrance to Qaffin village, north of Tulkarm. At approximately 19:30, Israeli forces established a similar checkpoint at the main road between Tulkarm and Nablus near the crossroad of Beit Leed village, east of Tulkarm.

At approximately 14:30 on Sunday, 24 July 2016, Israeli forces stationed at Enab military checkpoint established on the main road between Tulkarm and Nablus, east of Tulkarm, tightened its arbitrary measures against Palestinians and obstructed their movement via the checkpoint. At approximately 23:00 on Monday, 25 July 2016, the tightening measures were re-imposed.

At approximately 20:30 on Tuesday, 26 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint near the entrance to Qaffin village, north of Tulkarm.


Arrests at military checkpoints


  • At approximately 11:00 on Wednesday, 27 July 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the road linking Qabatiyah and Zebdah, south of Jenin. They stopped the vehicles in both directions and checked the passengers ID cards. They then arrested Jawad Husam Mustafa Abu al-Rub (30) from Qabatiyah village, southeast of Jenin, while he was at the abovementioned checkpoint.


Maltreatment at military checkpoints


  • At approximately 12:20 on Friday, 22 July 2016, Israeli borders guard officers stationed at the checkpoints in the Old City and around the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron attacked Ya’qub Mohammed Abdul Rahaman Abu Shaban (64), member of the Palestinian Security Committee that was allowed by Israeli forces to deploy in the area. As a result, Ya’qub suffered bruises throughout his body.


Abu Shaban said to PCHR’s fieldworker that:

“I am an officer in the Palestinian Preventive Security Service (PSS) and I have been working for 4 years in the security committee that was assigned by the Palestinian security services in the Old City in Hebron. The Israeli forces know about our presence along with the municipality inspectors in the Old City, where I am usually present from 08:00 to 15:00. On Friday, 22 July 2016, I went to the Old City to pray in the Ibrahimi mosque and at approximately 12:00, I crossed Abu al-Resh checkpoint, where there were 3 Israeli border guards closing the checkpoint. When I reached the metal detector gate, I emptied my pocket in a box and everything was normal as I entered through the gate. A soldier told me to move back, so I obeyed his order. However, the officer said that I am banned from entry. I told him to inform the officer, but the soldier refused and cursed me. He then provoked me, so I cursed him. After that, the border guard soldier came along with another one. One of them grabbed me from my arm painfully, so I pushed him away. The soldiers then pushed me against the wall while one of them hit me in the nose. As a result, my head was hit by the wall, so I fainted. I fell to the ground, but they continued kicking me throughout my body. Moreover, the soldier, who was present in the tower, came pointing his weapon at me. Nevertheless, I was taken to Alyah Governmental Hospital, where I was X-rayed. After examinations, doctors found out that I suffer severe bruises. I left the hospital at night, but still receiving treatment at home as I always feel constant dizziness and pain in my right foot.”



  1. Efforts to Create Jewish majority

 Israeli forces escalated their attacks on Palestinian civilians and their property. They have also continued their raids on al-Aqsa Mosque and denied the Palestinians access to it: Shooting Incidents: 

  • At approximately 16:30 on Tuesday, 26 July 2016, officers of security companies stationed at Qalandia checkpoint, north of East Jerusalem, opened fire at Raghad Dyab Nasrallah al-Shu’ani (18) when she was passing through the checkpoint. As a result, Raghad was hit with several live bullets to her lower limbs. The Israeli forces then arrested her and took her to Shaare Zedek Hospital in West Jerusalem to receive medical treatment. They claimed that Raghad attempted to carry out a stabbing against a soldier.

Luba al-Sumari, Spokeswoman of the Israeli police, said that the Raghad ran through the checkpoint towards the security guards. The soldiers ordered her to stop, but she kept moving towards them. The soldier then opened fire at her lower limbs causing her minor wounds. After that the explosives expert found a knife in her bag. Furthermore, the Israeli forces prevented the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) from offering her first aid where she was left for half an hour on the ground bleeding. It should be mentioned that Raghad is a student in Birzeit University and lives in Kafer Oqub.


Arrests and Incursions:


  • At approximately 14:00 on Friday, 22 July 2016, Israeli forces arrested Anas al-Kaswani (23) when he was in Shu’fat neighbourhood, north of East Jerusalem.


  • At approximately 02:00 on Sunday, 24 July 2016, Israeli forces moved into Shu’fat neighbourhood, north of Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses after which they arrested Adam Abu khdair (14) and Mahmud Mohammed Abu Khdair (15).


  • At approximately 08:00, Israeli forces accompanied with municipality crews moved into al-Issawiyah village, northeast of Jerusalem. They raided and searched number of commercial and industrial facilities, including construction materials facility. They then arrested 3 civilians, 2 of them were identified as Wael Obaid (26) and Mohammed Ahmed Darwish (24).


  • At approximately 16:00, 24 June 2016, Israeli undercover agents “Musta’rebeen” in a private vehicle raided the school street in al-Issawiyah village, northeast of Jerusalem. They then arrested Mustafa Bilal Abu al-Hums (20) and Fadi Ra’fat Mustafa (19).


  • At approximately 18:00 on the same Sunday, large group of Israeli settlers raided Aqabet al-Khaldiyah neighbourhood in the Old City in East Jerusalem. The settlers provoked and insulted the by-passers. After that, hundreds of young men gathered around the settlers and clashed with them. Large numbers of Israeli soldiers and the intelligence services officers immediately raided the neighbourhood and deployed in the streets. They then attacked and beat the young men while spraying pepper randomly. They also raided and searched several houses and attacked the inhabitants. As a result, more than 14 civilians were wounded, 6 of whom sustained burns as they were pepper sprayed. Moreover, the Israeli settlers beat and arrested 6 civilians, including 2 children. The arrested civilians were identified as Rasheed Sameer al-Rasheq (17), Ahmed Ya’qub al-Salaymah (16), Ahmed al-Rasheq (27), Rami Zaki Baituni (31), Ali Mousa Abu Asab (45) and Mohammed Jamal ‘Akawi (21).

Rashid’s grandfather said that Israeli soldiers raided the family house and pepper sprayed his wife Fawziyah al-Rasheq (63), due to which she was fainted. After that, they arrested his grandson Rashid and son Ahmed from the house. They also beat them and pepper sprayed them. The soldiers raided houses belonging to Abu Asab, al-Salaymah and al-Dayah families in the neighbourhood.


  • At approximately 16:00 on Monday, 25 July 2016, Israeli forces moved into Suwaih neighbourhood near Ras al-Amoud, east of Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched a house of al-Za’tari family and then arrested Ruwaidah Jehad al-Za’tari (42) and Zuhour ‘Aref al-Za’tari (41). They also confiscated a sum of money without a reason.
  • At approximately 01:00 on Wednesday, 27 July 2016, dozens of Israeli soldiers and intelligence officers moved into Silwan village, south of the Old City in East Jerusalem. They deployed at the entrances and then raided a number of the neighbourhoods. They then arrested about 34 civilian, including 12 children (PCHR keeps the name of the arrested civilians) after searching a number of houses. Lawyer Mohammed Mahmud said that the Israeli forces took the arrested civilians to Salah al-Din and Moscobiya police stations where he visited them.


Collective Punishment:


  • On Thursday, 21 July 2016, Israeli forces issued two travel ban decisions against al-Shaikh Jameel Abdul Rahim Hamami, Secretary of Islamic High Commission in Jerusalem and lecturer in al-Quds University. According to these two decisions, al-Shaikh Hamami was banned from entering the West bank for 4 months and the ban on traveling abroad was extended for six other months. The Israeli authorities claimed that al-Shaikh Hamami participates in unlawful activities and there has been a real concern that his departure of the country would constitute a threat to state security.

al-Shaikh Hamami said to PCHR’s fieldworker that:

“Israeli Interior Minister “Aryeh Deri” has issued a decision to extend preventing me from travelling abroad for the fourth consecutive time. Thus, I have been banned from travelling abroad for two years in total. The Israeli chief has issued a decision to ban me from entering the West Bank for 4 months. It should be mentioned that I am a lecturer in Abu Dees University and my children are living in the West Bank.”


House demolitions and demolition notices:


  • At approximately 19:00 on Sunday, 24 July 2016, Abdul Nasser Qara’in self-demolished a room that was built few years ago in Wadi Helwah neighbourhood in Silwan, south of the Old City in East Jerusalem, so he will not pay for the demolition to the Israeli municipality.

Qara’in said to PCHR’s fieldworker that the Israeli municipality has issued a decision to demolish a room that he built few years ago for his son Odai. The municipality gave him a period until 04 August to self-demolish the room, otherwise the municipality will impose a fine on him for building without a licence in addition to the demolition fees. Qara’in added that he built the room before 4 years. He also said that the Israeli municipality court appointed a session on 26 September 2016 to make sure the demolition was implemented and to imposed a fine for building without a licence. It should be noted that the room is about 22-square-meters.


  • At approximately 23:00 on Monday, 25 July 2016, Israeli forces accompanied with more than 8 bulldozers and military jeeps moved into Qalandiyah village, north of East Jerusalem to demolish a building near the annexation wall near Atrout industrial area. They then closed the village and prevented the inhabitants and media personnel from approaching the area.

The head of the village council, Yusuf Awadallah, said that at approximately 23:00, the Israeli bulldozers raided the village to demolish 11 buildings. The Israeli operation lasted until 07:00 on Tuesday, 26 July 2016. These buildings include more than 34 housing units that belong to civilians carrying East Jerusalem ID cards. Awadallah said that most of the buildings are under construction but only two of them were inhabited. He also said that 9 of these buildings are located within the Jerusalem municipality boundaries and two others are located in area (C) according to the Oslo Accords. Awadallah added that some of the demolished houses belong to Samih Husain, Nedal Awadallah, Fadi Sharif Awadallah, Samer Sharif Awadallah, Mohammed al-Juri, Hisha Abul Ghani and the brothers Hasan and Samir Salamah and the brothers of Abu Shalbak.

Moreover, the Israeli forces handed demolition notices to the abovementioned owners and gave them 72 hours to vacate the houses. However, they conducted the demolition at the evening of the same day. During the demolition, there were clashes between the Israeli forces and the village inhabitants, who were defending their houses. As a result, 7 civilians suffered tear gas inhalation, while others sustained bruises as the Israeli forces beat them up.


  • At approximately 04:00 Tuesday, 26 July 2016, Israeli municipality crews protected by Israeli forces demolished two residential and commercial facilities in al-Issawiyah, northeast of the city under the pretext of building without a licence.

Mohammed Abu al-Hums, member of the monitoring committee in al-Issawiyah village, said that the municipality bulldozers accompanied with the Israeli forces moved into the eastern area of al-Issawiyah and surrounded the area. After that, the bulldozers demolished an under construction house with an area of 140 square meters that belongs to Salah Abdul Nabi Mahmoud. They also demolished a commercial facility (car repair workshop) belonging to Haitham Mustafa. The commercial facility was built of bricks and tin plates with an area of 60 square meters. Abu al-Hums said that this is the third time his facility has been demolished.


  • At approximately 08:00 on the same Tuesday, Israeli bulldozers demolished an under construction house belonging to Faisal al-Julani in Wadi Qadoum neighbourhood in Silwan village, south of East Jerusalem. They claimed that the house was built without a permit. The neighbourhood inhabitants said to PCHR’s fieldworker that the Israeli forces accompanied with municipality bulldozers moved into Wadi Qadoum neighbourhood on Tuesday morning and demolished al-Julani house which is still under construction while he was away. They added that the house was about 200 square meters.

 Recommendations to the International Community 

PCHR emphasizes the international community’s position that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are still under Israeli occupation, in spite of Israeli military redeployment outside the Gaza Strip in 2005. PCHR further confirms that Israeli forces continued to impose collective punishment measures on the Gaza Strip, which have escalated since the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections, in which Hamas won the majority of seats of the Palestinian Legislative Council. PCHR stresses that there is international recognition of Israel’s obligation to respect international human rights instruments and the international humanitarian law, especially the Hague Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land and the Geneva Conventions. Israel is bound to apply the international human rights law and the law of war sometime reciprocally and other times in parallel in a way that achieves the best protection for civilians and remedy for victims.


In light of continued arbitrary measures, land confiscation and settlement activities in the West Bank, and the latest 51-day offensive against civilians in the Gaza Strip, PCHR calls upon the international community, especially the United Nations, the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention and the European Union – in the context of their natural obligation to respect and enforce the international law – to cooperate and act according to the following recommendations:


  1. PCHR calls upon the international community and the United Nations to use all available means to allow the Palestinian people to enjoy their right to self-determination, through the establishment of the Palestinian State, which was recognized by the UN General Assembly with a vast majority, using all international legal mechanisms, including sanctions to end the occupation of the State of Palestine;
  2. PCHR calls upon the United Nations to provide international protection to Palestinians in the oPt, and to ensure the non-recurrence of aggression against the oPt, especially the Gaza Strip;
  3. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to compel Israel, as a High Contracting Party to the Conventions, to apply the Conventions in the oPt;
  4. PCHR calls upon the Parties to international human rights instruments, especially the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, to pressurize Israel to comply with their provisions in the oPt, and to compel it to incorporate the human rights situation in the oPt in its reports submitted to the concerned committees;
  5. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to fulfil their obligation to ensure the application of the Conventions, including extending the scope of their jurisdiction in order to prosecute suspected war criminals, regardless of the nationality of the perpetrator and the place of a crime, to pave the way for prosecuting suspected Israeli war criminals and end the longstanding impunity they have enjoyed;
  6. PCHR calls on States that apply the principle of universal jurisdiction not to surrender to Israeli pressure to limit universal jurisdiction to perpetuate the impunity enjoyed by suspected Israeli war criminals;
  7. PCHR calls upon the international community to act in order to stop all Israeli settlement expansion activities in the oPt through imposing sanctions on Israeli settlements and criminalizing trading with them;
  8. PCHR calls upon the UN General Assembly to transfer the Goldstone Report to the UN Security Council in order to refer it to the International Criminal Court in accordance with Article 13(b) of the Rome Statute;
  9. PCHR calls upon the United Nations to confirm that holding war criminals in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a precondition to achieve stability and peace in the regions, and that peace cannot be built on the expense of human rights;
  10. PCHR calls upon the UN General Assembly and Human Rights Council to explicitly declare that the Israeli closure policy in Gaza and the annexation wall in the West Bank are illegal, and accordingly refer the two issues to the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Israel to compel it to remove them;
  11. PCHR calls upon the international community, in light of its failure to the stop the aggression on the Palestinian people, to at least fulfil its obligation to reconstruct the Gaza Strip after the series of hostilities launched by Israel which directly targeted the civilian infrastructure;
  12. PCHR calls upon the United Nations and the European Union to express a clear position towards the annexation wall following the international recognition of the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders, as the annexation wall seizes large parts of the State of Palestine;
  13. PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate Article 2 of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that both sides must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel, and the EU must not ignore Israeli violations and crimes against Palestinian civilians;







Public Document

For further information please visit our website www.pchrgaza.org or contact PCHR’s office in Gaza City, Gaza Strip by email [email protected] or telephone +972 08 282 4776 – 282 5893.