Reference: PCHR/2024/1
Item number and title: Dignity Kits for Displaced Women-200 kits
Contracting Authority: Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
Deadline for submission of offer: 3rd October 2024
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights -PCHR is launching a Local Open Tender and invites interested suppliers/candidates to participate in the Procurement Procedure for the relevant lot(s):
- All the goods are to supply 200 dignity kits (described in detail in the Tender Dossier).
- All goods are to be delivered by 25th October 2024.
- The offered prices shall be quoted in the South of the Gaza Strip only.
- All offers, in English or Arabic languages, must be delivered to the office mentioned below by 03rd October 2024. Late bids will be rejected. Applicants with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to the email or WhatsApp listed in the dossier by 01st October 2024.
- Tenders will be opened at the address mentioned below at the time stated in the Tender Dossier. Tenderers or their authorized representative can be present at the opening of tenders.
- Tender documents will be available from Deir Albalah, Baghdad St known as Abu Asad St, Tawfiq Abu Asad Building, 2nd Floor between 09:00 and 15:00.
Interested tenderers may obtain the Tender Dossier in English at no cost from PCHR officer mentioned below.
Date of issue:
Reference no.:
PCHR /2024/1
Contract title:
Dignity Kits for Displaced Women-200 kits
Closing date:
Tender opening:
Contracting Authority:
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
Contact person: Majeda Shehada
Tel: +972 59-9714040
Email: [email protected]