Press Release
Residents of Al Maghazi Camp face Environmental and Health Risks resulting from UNRWA Suspension of Services
Date: 17 August 2000
Ref: 97/2000
For the past six months UNRWA has suspended its provision of a basic service to the refugees of Block C in Al Maghazi camp in the Gaza Strip. The service suspended was removal of waste, and since the suspension of this service large amounts of waste have accumulated in the residential area, posing a serious threat to the environment and the health of the residents.
The provision of such services by UNRWA is part of its mandate of relief to Palestinian refugee camps.
According to data collected by PCHR the problem started on 20 February 2000, when a resident of Block C, Al Maghazi camp, who works in the Palestinian security forces, moved a large waste bin provided by UNRWA from its place outside his home, and placed it some distance away. UNRWA ceased its waste collection service in Block C of the camp until the bin was replaced to its original position.
This led to accumulation of waste in Block C, with attendant negative impact on the environment and risks to the health of the residents. Later, a number of public figures in the camp intervened, and arranged for the bin to be returned to its original location, and UNRWA resumed its service to the camp. However, the same resident once again removed the bin from its position, and UNRWA once again ceased its waste collection service to the Block.
As a result the environmental situation in the Block deteriorated significantly and a number of Block C residents complained to PCHR that UNRWA was no longer providing a waste collection service to the Block. Accordingly PCHR, on 2 August 2000, sent a letter to Mr. Lionel Brisson, Director of Operations of UNRWA, urging him to immediately resume waste collection services to the Block, in order to prevent damage to the environment and risk to the health of residents.
On 13 August 2000, the Centre received a response from UNRWA clarifying that UNRWA is prepared to resume its service to the Block on the condition that the bin is returned to its position, or to any position which is agreed upon between UNRWA and the residents.
PCHR is concerned at the continuation of this problem and the escalation of environmental and health risks associated with this problem in Al Maghazi camp. In this regard the Centre calls upon the Palestinian Authority, particularly the Ministry of Environmental Affairs and the Ministry of Local Government to immediately intervene to resolve this problem and to reach a compromise through which UNRWA can resume the provision of waste collection services without delay.