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Regrettable incidents in Gaza
Date: 6 December 2001
PCHR is deeply concerned about the bloody incident that took place last night, which resulted in one death. Clashes erupted between citizens and Palestinian police after the leader of Hamas was placed under house arrest. PCHR calls upon the Palestinian National Authority to investigate these incidents and the death of a citizen by live fire.
According to PCHR’s investigation, at approximately 22:00, a unit of the Palestinian General Intelligence Service moved towards the house of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in Jourat Al-Shams area in Gaza, and informed him that he was under house arrest without charge. The unit took up position outside, checking the identities of passing citizens and denying them access to the house.
At approximately 23:00, supporters of Hamas called on citizens through loudspeakers to go to Sheikh Yassin’s house. Soon, Hamas supporters arrived at the house in small groups from Al-Zaytoun, Al-Sabra, Al-Daraj and Al-Shojaeya neighborhoods and Al-Shati refugee camp. Security reinforcements were sent to the area and denied the access of citizens to the house.
At midnight, sounds of shooting in the air by the police and more than 20 gunmen of Hamas were heard. The incidents extended to other areas in Gaza City. Demonstrators clashed with the police in ‘Omar Al-Mukhtar Street. Two police cars were burnt near Sheikh Yassin’s house and windows of a third car were broken. The police stated that three policemen were injured by live bullets. However, medical sources of Shifa’ Hospital stated that 4 civilians, not policemen, were evacuated to hospital, three of whom were injured by stones. The fourth, Mohammed Akram Selmi, 19, from Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, was seriously wounded by a live bullet in the bladder. He was pronounced dead this morning.
Sounds of shooting were heard in Gaza until 03:00 on Thursday, when Sheikh Yassin called on his supporters to disperse and go to their homes, and they did. However, clashes continued in the city until 04:00.
While deeply concerned about these incidents, PCHR:
1) Calls on all parties to contain these incidents and to make efforts in to ensure that they are not repeated.
2) Calls on the PNA and the Attorney General to investigate these incidents and the death of Selmi, and prosecute those responsible.
3) Condemns the house arrest of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin without charge and calls for its immediate end.
4) Condemns attacks on policemen and cars and asserts the necessity to use peaceful means to express viewpoints or protests.