Series Study (21)
The Israeli government has systematically violated the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which is de jure applicable in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT), since its occupation in 1967. This has resulted in severe deterioration of the humanitarian situation of Palestinians as individuals and as a people. Israel’s grave breaches, and other breaches of the Convention, are a source of deep concern for the international community. The work of the United Nations (both the Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly) demonstrates this concern.
Nevertheless, to date, the international community has not taken any effective steps towards fulfilling their legal obligations, providing protection for Palestinian civilians, and putting an end to the Israeli crimes. As a result of the escalation in the Israeli violations of human rights, especially its intensive settlement activities, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has, since 1998, adopted a series of resolutions reaffirming the stand of the international community regarding the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Through these resolutions, the UNGA also recommends that the High Contracting Parties (HCP) to the Convention take effective measures to fulfil their legal obligations under the Convention with regard to the OPT.
The Study is available in PDF format.