May 6, 2012
PCHR Publishes Its Annual Report 2011
PCHR Publishes Its Annual Report 2011

Ref: 40/2012


The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)
published its annual report for the year 2011.  The report covers the
period from 01 January through 31 December 2011.  This is the sixteenth
in a series of annual reports that PCHR has published since 1996. 


The report consists of two main parts. 
The first part addresses the human rights situation in the Palestinian Occupied
Territory (OPT), while the second part addresses PCHR’s activities in 2011. 
The first part of the report documents war crimes and violations of
international law and International Human Rights Law committed by the Israeli
occupation forces in the OPT during 2011.  It also documents human rights
violations and obstacles facing democratization under the rule of the
Palestinian National Authority (PNA).  It further presents recommendations
to the international community and to PNA (the two governments in Gaza and


The second part of the report reviews PCHR’s activities in 2011.  It first
highlights the major issues of focus in PCHR’s activities in 2011, including
following up developments related to the Report of the UN Fact-Finding Mission
on Gaza (the Goldstone Report); participation in sessions of the UN Human
Rights Council; advocacy and lobbying towards the UN General Assembly; enhancing
cooperation and coordination with human rights organizations; promoting cooperation
with Palestinian civil society organizations; and promoting activities at the
regional level.  It further reviews the activities of PCHR’s various units
and advocacy activities, including PCHR’s participation in international
conferences and meetings, PCHR’s meetings with international delegations and
representatives, PCHR’s interviews with the media as well as publications
issued by PCHR during 2011. 


The report is published in both Arabic and
English is distributed widely at the
local and international levels.  PCHR distributes the report to civil
society organizations, local and international human rights organizations,
governmental institutions, diplomatic missions, UN agencies, as well as to
journalists and media outlets. 


In addition to the report, PCHR has prepared a
summary of the report. The report is available now on PCHR’s web


It should be noted that PCHR’s annual report
contributes to raising awareness of the human rights conditions in the OPT and
is the outcome of work over the course of an entire year.  Based on its
legal status as a not-for-profit non-governmental organization providing free
services, and its commitment to transparency, PCHR considers this report an
obligation towards Palestinian society.