May 23, 2000
PCHR participate in a conference on the Palestinian Cause
PCHR participate in a conference on the Palestinian Cause


Press Release

PCHR participate in a conference on the Palestinian Cause

Ref: 69/2000

Date: 23 May, 2000

Today morning the centre’s delegation traveled to Athena to participate in the international conference on the rights of Palestinian people. The conference, which is organized by UN commission on Palestinian people’s rights, and convened today morning, will last until Wednesday evening. Governmental, non- governmental delegations, experts will attend the conference. The conference aim at discussing the ongoing peace process in the region, and the possibility of recruiting the efforts of governments, international organizations, and NGOs, to support the Palestinian people rights.

The centre is represented by Hamdi Shaqqura, coordinator of democracy development unit in the centre, and Iyad Al Alami, coordinator of legal aid unit. The centre had prepeared a report on Israeli violation for human rights during the peace process. The report which is to be circulated at the participants, clearify that the conditions of human rights inside the occupied territories witnessed more deteriortation after the success of Labor to get the power in Israel. The report added that the facts on the ground explore the real face of the labor government which tries to mislead the international community