May 29, 2023
PCHR General Assembly Holds Annual Meeting
PCHR General Assembly Holds Annual Meeting

Ref: 29/2023

Date: 29 May 2023

On Monday, 29 May 2023, the General Assembly of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) held its annual meeting. The meeting was headed by Dr. Riyadh al-Za’noun, Chairman of the Board of Directors (BoD), and attended by BoD Members, PCHR’s Director, and the General Assembly Members, in presence of the Corporate Comptroller at the Ministry of National Economy, consultant Yacoub al-Ghandour, and Mr. Hamdi al-‘Absi.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Riyadh al- Za’noun, Chairman of PCHR’s BoD, welcomed the attendees and thanked Mr. Yacoub al-Ghandour and Mr. Hamdi al-‘Absi for their efforts and cooperation to hold this meeting.

The meeting agenda included the following:

  1. Ratifying PCHR’s 2022 administrative report presented by the BoD;
  2. Ratifying 2022 audit report;
  3. Clearance of the BoD chairman and members;
  4. Choosing an audit company for 2023;
  5. Resignation of the current BoD; and
  6. Choosing new BoD.

The General Assembly approved the 2022 administrative report presented by the BoDand the 2022 audit report presented by the audit company (Ernst & Young.)

After clearance of the BoD chairman and members for the 2022, the General Assembly re-elected Ernst & Young as PCHR’s external audit company for 2023.

Also, the BoD chairman and members resigned from the General Assembly and a new BoD was elected and included Dr. Riyadh al-Za’noun, Mr. Jaber Wishah, Dr. Mukheimar Abu Se’dah, Mr. Hashem al-Thalathini, Ms. Nadia Abu Nahlah; Ms. Heba ‘Akkilah and Mr. Raji Sourani.

The elected BoD members held a meeting for position allocation as Dr. Riyadhal-Za’noun was elected as the BoD chairman while Dr. Mukheimar Abu Se’dahwas elected as the deputy chairman.