Ref: 10/2009
Date: 17 May 2009
PCHR Director Delivers Lecture to AFPS in Paris, Participates in ILAC Annual Conference in Edinburgh
Upon an invitation from Bernard Ravenel, president of the French-Palestine Solidarity Association (AFPS), Raji Sourani, Director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), participated in AFPS’ second national conference in Paris on 16 May 2009. The conference discussed means of activating solidarity with the Palestinians, and the mechanisms of support offered to them.
Approximately 300 representatives and members of AFPS from around the globe attended the conference. Sourani spoke about the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) in general, and in the Gaza Strip in particular. He noted that although the recent Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip ended more than four months ago, nothing has changed on the ground; the closure regime has not been lifted and visible traces of destruction remain. Present conditions negatively impact on the economic and social rights of Palestinian civilians.
Sourani affirmed that in spite of all challenges, the Palestinian people remain steadfast in the struggle for the realization of their legitimate rights, as ensured by international laws and standards. He reiterated that the Palestinian people are stronger as a result of the support they receive from international solidarity groups and from the free people of the world. He noted that AFPS is amongst the most active solidarity groups that support the Palestinian people. He stressed that the Palestinian people appreciate AFPS and civil society in the Europe, whose views combat official positions that are in complicity with the occupation and its practices.
On 15 May 2009, Sourani participated in the annual conference of the International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC) in Edinburgh, Scotland. The conferees discussed, inter alia, the actions committed by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) during their latest offensive on the Gaza Strip. Sourani spoke about the offensive, and violations of Palestinian human rights perpetrated by IOF during the offensive. He also talked about the devastating impacts of these violations on the human rights situation and on civilians’ living conditions. The presentation of Sourani was followed by a discussion on the human rights situation in the OPT.
In his presentation, Sourani renewed his invitation to ILAC to hold their next annual conference in Gaza. ILAC in their turn welcomed Sourani’s invitation in case the freedom of movement to and from Gaza allows them to do so.
ILAC is the largest legal body in the world. Based in Stockholm, ILAC is dedicated for judicial and legal training. Dozens of legal institutions, representing thousands of justices, attorneys, and advocates from around the world, are members in ILAC. PCHR is an affiliate of ILAC.