Ref: 89/2009
Date: 15 July 2009
Time: 12:30 GMT
PCHR Condemns Police Assault on Wedding Party of al-Madhoun Clan in Beit Lahia
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns police attacks against a wedding part of the al-Madhoun clan on Tuesday in Beit Lahia town in the northern Gaza Strip. The police attacked the party, opened fire and violently beat attendants, after participants raised a portrait of Sameeh al-Madhoun, a Fatah activist who was killed in 2007 in the context of internal fighting between the Fatah and Hamas movements.
According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 22:40 on Tuesday, 14 July 2009, the Palestinian police stormed a wedding party of the al-Madhoun clan in Beit Lahia town in the northern Gaza Strip. Police officers fired into the air and at the house of the bridegroom’s father, ‘Abdul Hakim al-Madhoun. As a result, 4 persons, including two women, were lightly wounded:
1) Ne’ma Salim al-Madhoun, 60, wounded by shrapnel from a gunshot to the left foot;
2) Tahreer Ibrahim al-Madhoun, 22, wounded by shrapnel from a gunshot to the right foot;
3) Rabah Ibrahim al-Madhoun, 48, wounded by shrapnel from a gunshot to the head; and
4) Mahmoud ‘Abdul Hakim al-Madhoun, 21, wounded by shrapnel from a gunshot to the head.
Police officers also violently beat a number of guests and participants.
According to information obtained by PCHR from eyewitnesses, the police stormed the wedding party after members of the clan raised a portrait of Sameeh al-Madhoun, a Fatah activist who was killed by militants from Hamas on 14 June 2007. Earlier, Dr. Nafez al-Madhoun, Rapporteur of the Legal Committee in the Palestinian Legislative Council, attempted to convince members of the clan to remove the portrait, but they refused.
PCHR condemns this attack and calls upon the Government in Gaza to investigate and bring those responsible to justice. PCHR further emphasizes the need to have clear instructions regulating the use of force, including firearms, by the police to ensure respect for public freedoms and the safety of people.