Ref: 82/2009
Date: 30 June 2009
Time: 11:50 GMT
PCHR Condemns Detention Hizb-Ut-Tahreer members in the Gaza Strip
PCHR condemns the detention and beating of a number of members of the Islamic Hizb-Ut-Taheer [Liberation Party] by police across the Gaza Strip on Sunday after the party disseminated a statement. PCHR calls upon the Government in Gaza to investigate such measures, and stresses that the right to freedom of opinion and the right to impart information are ensured by Palestinian Basic Law and international human rights mechanisms.
According to investigations conducted by PCHR, on Sunday evening, 28 June 2009, the police pursued a number of members of the Islamic Hizb-Ut-Tahreer across the Gaza Strip, while they were distributing a statement issued by the party entitled “Hamas Authority Follows the Pattern of Fatah Authority’s Policies,” and arrested them.
One of the members who was later released stated to PCHR that:[1]
“At approximately 20:30 on Sunday, 28 June 2009, two police officers arrested me after I had distributed a press release issued by the Hizb-Ut-Tahreer. They put me in a jeep together with another four detainees and beat us using singlesticks until we arrived at a police station where we were interrogated. At the end of the interrogation, we were hit by another two police officers on our feet using plastic hoses. The police then took me to another station, where I was later released.”
Another activist stated to PCHR that:
“Two police officers wearing civilian clothes arrested me near the campus of the al-Quds Open University on Sunday morning, 28 June 2009. They called for a police vehicle and put me inside it. They blindfolded me with my shirt and beat and insulted me… They took me to a flat in the centre of Gaza City. They checked me and took my personal belongings. They then violently beat and insulted me. They handcuffed me and covered my head with a plastic sack. Soon afterwards, they hit me on my feet using a stick which broke due to the severity of the beating, so they then started kicking me. When I fell down, a large person sat on my back. They then took me to an unknown destination, where I was also beaten and put in a basement until midnight…”
In light of the above:
1) PCHR condemns the detention of Hizb-Ut-Tahreer members by the police for the distribution of a leaflet expressing the party’s opinion, especially the beating and torture methods practiced against detainees.
2) PCHR stresses that the right to freedom of expression and the right to impart information are ensured by Palestinian Basic Law and international human rights mechanisms.
3) PCHR issues a reminder that the prohibition of torture forms a jus cogens norm of international law. It is prohibited under Palestinian Basic Law and constitutes a serious violation of international human rights standards and instruments, especially the Convention against Torture and Other Forms of Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984).
[1] PCHR keeps his name.