Press Release
PCHR calls for boycotting the U.S.-sponsored fact-finding committee
Ref: 197/2000
Date: December 11, 2000
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights calls on Palestinian civil society organizations and the political spectrum to boycott the fact-finding committee established by the U.S. and headed by Senator George Mitchell. The committee’s mandate lacks the minimum standards that must be found in an international, independent, neutral and objective commission of inquiry to investigate human rights violations and crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces against Palestinian civilians since September 29, 2000. PCHR regards the formation of the committee as a dangerous maneuver to undermine UN Security Council Resolution 1322 of October 7, 2000, which clearly provided for “establishing a mechanism for a speedy and objective inquiry of the tragic events.”
Instead of honestly implementing the Resolution, the U.S. made a concerted effort to undermine it and to form a political fact-finding group, rather than a truly independent investigation committee. The U.S. managed to do this through the understandings reached at Sharm El-Sheikh on October 17, 2000. PCHR strongly criticized these inadequate understandings at the time. The committee established will not publish its report except upon the agreement of the parties, including Israel, and then under the auspices of the U.S. President personally.
PCHR reiterates its call for establishing an international, independent, neutral and objective investigation committee directed by the UN and not by the U.S. Only a committee of this sort would be able to carry out an objective and professional investigation into the flagrant human rights abuses committed by the Israeli occupation forces, to listen to eyewitnesses, to visit the affected areas, to see all documents and data and to meet relevant parties. The Israeli government strongly rejects the establishment of a UN-directed international investigation committee as it fears the legal consequences, the possibility that the Israeli occupation forces would be charged with committing crimes and the possibility that perpetrators of these crimes would be brought before a tribunal of international justice.