March 1, 2010
Improving Awareness and Respect for Human Rights
Improving Awareness and Respect for Human Rights

Ref: 24 / 2010


The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights proudly announces the launch of
a new project beginning of this year in the occupied Palestinian territory
The three-year project entitled “Improving Awareness and Respect for Human
Rights” is funded by the European
Union and Oxfam Novib. It aims to empower
local and international actors to challenge violations of the freedoms of
movement, expression, information, assembly and association in the OPT by
improving access to information about violations, providing legal aid, training
as well as by lobbying local and international targets


The programme, which has a budget of 964,680 Euro (approximately
5,151,650 NIS), will aim to achieve the
following results:

· Availability of reliable data
and reports on human rights violations;

· Increased local awareness on
human rights for 950
professionals and activists and 6000 community members in the Gaza

· Access to and provision of
legal aid for 9000 victims of human rights violations;

· International pressure on the
reinforcement of Human Rights and PNA governments changing practices.


These goals will be achieved by monitoring, documenting and reporting
Israeli and Palestinian human rights violations in the OPT; t
raining and
awareness raising for professionals,
young activists
and the local
; legal counseling and
representation; as well as l
and advocacy on the PNA and international level


The programme activities were kicked
off in January with a series of 12 lectures on the Rights of the Child under
international and local law, targeting four areas in the Gaza Strip.