Head of Police Department Reacts to PCHR’s Press Release
about Imposition of Death Sentence
Ref: 83/99
Date: 1st September, 1999
On 28 August 1999, Raji Sourani, director of PCHR, received a letter from General Ghazi Jabali, head of the Palestinian National Authority Police Department. The letter was related to PCHR’s press release of 26 August 1999 (ref: 81/99), regarding the imposition of the death penalty by the State Security Court in the case of Abu Saada. In its press release PCHR criticised the State Security Court, and the PLO Military Penalty Law of 1979 upon which the Court based its sentence. PCHR also criticised the speed at which the trial was conducted and reiterated its position against the death sentence. Furthermore, PCHR appealed to President Arafat not to ratify the Court’s decision.
In his letter to PCHR, General Jabali asserted that all PLO laws, including the Military Penalty Law of 1979, are constitutional according to Presidential Decree Number 1. General Jabali also added that PCHR’s objective in criticising the State Security Court was to satisfy the funders of the Centre without regard to national interest and the rule of law. He added that “the words of those who have sold both their conscience and their pen to the interests of those who want neither a State nor a law in Palestine count for nothing”. Copies of the letter were also sent to police offices throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip “to acquaint them with the position of Raji Sourani and human rights organisations”. In the light of this letter PCHR emphasises the following:
- The first Presedential Decree issued 20 May 1994, states only that laws, regulations and orders which were in effect in the West Bank and Gaza prior to June 5 1967 were valid. It says nothing about PLO laws, including the Military Penalty Law of 1979. Accordingly PCHR insists that the Military Penalty Law of 1979 is unconstitutional.
- The Centre does not raise any question about the legality of the death penalty according to applicable laws in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, rather it expresses its position against the death penalty and reiterates its demand that it be abandoned.
- PCHR reiterates its position against the State Security Court, which lacks the minimum requirement for a fair trial and undermines the civil judiciary.
- PCHR finds it necessary to make the contents of General Jabali’s letter known publicly, but is confident that the baseless accusations implied in the letter will not obstruct our work to promote the rule of law and to protect human rights.
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