August 2006 – June 2008
Israel’s policy of extra-judicially executing Palestinians allegedly involved in armed resistance against the Israeli occupation of Palestine has been meticulously documented by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR). The continuing silence of the international community, including High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention, has actively encouraged Israel to act as though it is above the law and to continue committing gross human rights violations against the Palestinian people, including hundreds of extra-judicial executions.
IOF have carried out these extra-judicial executions of Palestinian activists whom they accuse of carrying out, or planning, armed attacks against the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and/or inside the State of Israel. IOF have also targeted the political leaders of Palestinian organizations. By failing to produce any evidence linking the targeted individual to attacks allegedly committed by members of the Palestinian resistance, as well as failing to utilize peaceful means in order to arrest and detain suspects, IOF has assumed the role of both judge and executioner.
Since the beginning of the Second Intifada in September 2000, PCHR has consistently investigated and documented extra-judicial executions committed by IOF in the OPT, as well as demanding the international community intervene effectively in order to pressurize Israel to stop all extra-judicial executions. The Centre has established a database that keeps statistics on all extra-judicial executions, and attempted executions, carried out by IOF in the OPT.
In addition, PCHR has also published a series of reports and fact sheets on extra-judicial executions committed by IOF against Palestinians in the OPT during the second Intifada. This report is the eighth in the series. It covers the period between 1 August 2006- 30 June 2008.