March 16, 2019
After Interrogating them and taking their affidavits, Shija’iyah Police released the fieldworkers
After Interrogating them and taking their affidavits, Shija’iyah Police released the fieldworkers


After Interrogating them and taking their affidavits, Shija’iyah Police released the fieldworkers, who were arrested and identified as Sabreen Al-Tartour, a fieldworker at the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) in Gaza City; lawyer Samir Al-Mana’mah and Fieldworker Khaled Abu Sbitan from Al Mezan Center for Human Rights and Fieldworker Fadi Abu Ghanimah from Al-Dameer Association for Human Rights. Moreover, PCHR’s lawyer Mohammed Bseiso was released as well after he was later detained for the same purpose.