Ref: 15/99
Date: 14 February, 1999
This morning at 11:00 a.m., the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights hosted a press conference on the release of its 1998 Annual Report in Arabic. The press conference was attended by more than 30 Palestinian journalists, members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), and representatives of the Palestinian human rights community. Among the attendees were Dr. Kamal Shrafi, Head of the Human Rights Committee of the PLC, and Mr. Abdel Kareem Abu Saleh, Head of the Legal Committee of the PLC. Mrs. Jamila Saidam and Mr. Rafat Najar, both members of the PLC, also attended. Also attending from the human rights community were Mr. Ali Abu Hilal, Director of the Center for Defense of Freedoms – Jerusalem, and Mr. Mohammed Abu Hartheyah, Director of Al-Haq – Ramallah.
The English edition of the 1998 Annual Report will be published shortly. The English briefing of the 1998 Annual Report was released earlier today by e-mail. If you have any questions regarding the briefing or the forthcoming 1998 Annual Report (English version), please contact us by e-mail at [email protected].