This report is issued in the context of the closure policy imposed by the Israeli authorities on the Gaza Strip, which has been implemented for six consecutive years, which has affected Palestinians’ lives in a brutal way. These cruel
conditions resulted from the restrictions imposed on the border crossings affecting the economic, social and cultural rights of 1.6 millions in the Gaza Strip and all their basic needs. This report, that covers the year 2012, documents the state of the Gaza Strip’s border crossings used for the movement of persons and goods. Further, it presents comprehensive statistics on the border crossings showing the latest developments at the crossings and the impacts on the Gaza Strip. The report also refutes the Israeli claims on the alleged “easing” of the closure imposed on the Gaza Strip.
The reporting period witnessed a large-scale Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip (14 – 21 November 2012) for 8 consecutive days, which caused wide-scale destructions to civilian objects as well as governmental facilities. The issuance of this report coincides with the fourth anniversary of the latest Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip (27 December 2008 – 18 January 2009). It documents the impact of denying the entrance of construction materials for the private sector, which is in urgent need for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip in order to rebuild all civilian facilities that were destroyed partially or completely during the mentioned period. The report presents statistics on the limited quantities of construction materials allowed for international organizations, in addition to statistics on the annual needs and the basic quantities needed to avoid a humanitarian crisis.
The full report is available online at: