November 20, 2011
Independent Civil Society Mission to Libya Concludes First Training Session
Independent Civil Society Mission to Libya Concludes First Training Session

Ref: 78/2011


19 November 2011, marked the conclusion of the first training session
undertaken by the Independent Civil Society Mission to Libya. Approximately 40
lawyers and human rights defenders based in Tripoli participated. A second
training session targeting lawyers, the judiciary, and members of the
prosecutor’s office began on 20 November.


first training session featured modules including: An Introduction to Human
Rights; Human Rights Concepts, Terminology, and Instruments; Mechanisms of
Human Rights Protection at the National Level; An Introduction to International
Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Justice; The Rome Statue and the
International Criminal Court; Transitional Justice; Prosecution of War
Criminals; Monitoring and Documentation; Monitoring and Documentation in
Practice; and the Preparation of Human Rights Reports.


Independent Civil Society Fact-Finding Mission Continues
its Work


the Independent Civil Society Fact-Finding Mission to Libya continued its work.
The Mission visited a number of sites in Tripoli, Khoms, Zleitn, Azzawiya, and
Sabrata, where they conducted field visits, interviewed victims, witnesses, and
members of the political and military command, and visited a number of
detention facilities. Meetings were also held with the Minister of Justice, and
the chairman of the Tripoli Bar Association. Today, the Mission departs for
western Libya, where it will visit areas such as Sirte, Misrata and Tawergha.